About the Author

Daniel Gloyd is a designer and research expert specializing in the fields of Human-computer Interaction and User Experience design. He has helped organizations such as Toyota, Samsung, Ford, Bosch, TIAA, and McDonald's embrace human-centered design for over 25 years. Daniel is also an avid, long-time student of Shaker design.

After earning a Master's degree in Interaction Design from the pioneering design program at Carnegie Mellon University, Daniel went on to found and manage the User Interface team at Samsung’s Los Angeles Design Lab. He left the LA Lab to become a partner and founding VP of Research Services at Gist Design, acquired by TrueFit Innovation in 2014.

This is Daniel’s first book, he is the author of a published white paper on user experience design “Positive User Experience and Medical Adherence.” He is the inventor on five U.S. design patents related to human-computer interface innovations. In addition to his professional design and research consulting, he actively explores experimental and conceptual design.